ConvertMax - Unit and Currency


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“70,000+ units conversions for 1700 different units under 77 different categories in 10 different converters along with conversion rates for more than 150 different currencies”. You will never find such a big converter application with so many units conversions, currency conversions and features.Unlike other converter applications available in the market, ConvertMax is the only application that puts all categories under relevant converters because from usability point of view, it offers a good start to use any converter application. ConvertMax not only allows you to convert units and currencies to your desired ones but it also allows you to access some of the unique and excellent features through the settings section of the application, like:
1) Add new category2) Edit existing category3) Add new unit4) Edit existing unit5) Add new conversion for a unit6) Edit existing conversion for a unit7) Manage application theme by assigning any color out of 216 available colors to different layouts of the application like background, input/row, border and text8) Share application through Email, Facebook and Twitter9) Contact to support for new features or issue(s) reporting
Following are the converters along with their underlying categories which ConvertMax offers you in this version of the application:
:- Common Converters
1) Angle2) Area3) Capacity and Volume4) Data Storage5) Distance and Length6) Energy and Work7) Force8) Fuel Consumption9) Power10) Pressure11) Temperature12) Time13) Velocity14) Volume - Dry15) Weight and Mass
:- Engineering Converters
1) Acceleration2) Acceleration - Angular3) Density4) Moment of Force5) Moment of Inertia6) Specific Volume7) Torque8) Velocity - Angular
:- Heat Converters
1) Fuel Efficiency - Mass2) Fuel Efficiency - Volume3) Heat Density4) Heat Flux Density5) Heat Transfer Coefficient6) Specific Heat Capacity7) Temperature Interval8) Thermal Conductivity9) Thermal Expansion10) Thermal Resistance
:- Fluids Converters
1) Concentration - Molar2) Concentration - Solution3) Flow4) Flow - Mass5) Flow - Molar6) Mass Flux Density7) Permeability8) Surface Tension9) Viscosity - Dynamic10) Viscosity - Kinematic
:- Sound Converters
1) Sound
:- Light Converters
1) Digital Image Resolution2) Frequency Wavelength3) Illumination4) Luminance5) Luminous Intensity
:- Electricity Converters
1) Charge2) Current3) Electric Conductance4) Electric Conductivity5) Electric Field Strength6) Electric Potential7) Electric Resistance8) Electric Resistivity9) Electrostatic Capacitance10) Inductance11) Linear Charge Density12) Linear Current Density13) Surface Charge Density14) Surface Current Density15) Volume Charge Density
:- Magnetism Converters
1) Magnetic Field Strength2) Magnetic Flux3) Magnetic Flux Density4) Magnetomotive Force
:- Radiology Converters
1) Radiation2) Radiation - Absorbed Dose3) Radiation - Activity4) Radiation - Exposure
:- Miscellaneous Converters
1) Data Transfer2) Prefixes3) Typography4) Volume - Lumber